Have you ever heard of a company called Yandex? Perhaps you know a thing or two about the person that founded the company, Arkady Volozh. If not, you’re in for a real treat. As it turns out, Yandex is similar in many ways to Google, only it is completely and entirely Russian. Everything about it is Russian, from the language to the culture.
It is very likely that while people in other parts of the world are using Google as their search engine, those in Russia are using Yandex. Its creator is the venerable Arkady Volozh. That’s a fairly surprising fact in and of itself, but it doesn’t stop there. If you’re really interested in knowing more about him, here are 10 more things below.
There is little doubt that he possesses an innate understanding when it comes to Russian technology. It is precisely what has allowed him to create Yandex and then run it the way that it is currently being operated.
In addition to this company, he has been responsible for a couple of others as well. He’s the founder of InfiNet Wireless, a wireless telephone company in Russia that is immensely popular. If that’s not enough, he’s also the co-founder of another wireless company that is quite popular throughout Russia, CompTek.
He attended a school called the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. That’s quite a mouthful, to say the least. Obviously, schooling is handled quite differently in Russia from the way that it is conducted in many other parts of the world. From the time that he was a small child, the focus was always on the oil and gas industry as he studied Applied Mathematics.
However, he had a desire to take his career in a different direction. This wouldn’t have been possible a few decades ago, when Russia was still the Soviet Union. Even now, it’s exceedingly difficult. However, it is a challenge that he has managed to overcome quite well.
He has always had an interest in technology. As far back as 1990, he was working to start his own software company, something that he initially became interested in when buying computers from Austria and then having them imported into Russia in order to sell them for a profit.
As a matter of fact, he had only been working at his first job for a short time when he decided that he was much more an entrepreneur than a typical, run-of-the-mill employee. That is precisely what prompted him to start importing computers from Austria in the first place. From that point on, he worked tirelessly to develop his own software, something that eventually turned into the businesses of the digital age that he is currently in charge of.
It’s possible that you have never heard of Yandex, but that doesn’t change the fact that almost every person in Russia uses it on a daily basis. In fact, it is listed as one of the top five most popular search engines in existence. If you really want to get technical about things, it comes in at number four on the list. That’s saying quite a lot for a search engine that people in many other parts of the world have never even heard of before.
One of the reasons that Yandex is so distinctly Russian is because Volozh is so incredibly proud of his Russian heritage. Everything he does has a Russian flair to it. He’s very proud of the fact that he is able to bring modern-day technology to the people in Russia, as it is something that the country largely went without for a number of years.
Hearing his parents tell stories about what it was like to live in a country where there was no cell phone or internet access had prompted him to develop these things in order to ensure that everyone in Russia can use it. As such, he is very proud of the fact that he has achieved these particular goals.
You might think that he would be content to allow Yandex to be immensely popular in Russia and Russia alone. However, that isn’t the case. He wants to expand the search engine that he is so proud of into other parts of the world. In short, he wants to give other individuals who are not of Russian heritage an opportunity to benefit from using the search engine.
It may not come as a surprise that throughout the time he was creating Yandex and even still today, he has always used Google for the blueprint on which to base all of his decisions. He is a successful businessman in his own right. Therefore, there are differences between Yandex and Google. However, the majority of the company structure for Yandex is very similar to the one that Google adopted years ago.
Obviously, he has made a lot of money as a result of his many business endeavors. However, he has always had a tendency to live below his means, preferring instead to enjoy the simple things in life as opposed to spending a lot of money on lavish items. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that his parents didn’t exactly have a lot of money growing up, thereby instilling those qualities in him. Perhaps it has nothing to do with that fact at all. However, he doesn’t tend to spend a lot of the money he makes on luxurious items for himself.
What he does do is treat people like everyone has something to contribute, from the newest hire to the most seasoned veterans who have worked for him for years. He is quick to point out that it’s impossible to succeed in business without first giving other people an opportunity to do exactly the same thing. It is a code that he has lived by since his first job and one that he still believes in today.
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